2025 Windjammers Sailing Club

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Payment Options

*** NOTE***

Please note that membership is not activated until payment is received.

For inclusion in the Roster Payment must be received by 5/1/2025.

Make Checks Payable to Windjammers Sailing Club. Please send checks to WJSC’s Treasurer: Sheldon Green 447 Williams Rd. Wynnewood, PA 19096

Venmo is also accepted!!!
The Windjammers Sailing Club is a successful club because of our members! We need your help! Please place a checkmark next to the club activities you are willing to assist with, or committees you are willing to serve on, for the 2025 season: Select All That Apply

I (we) understand that the mission of the Windjammers Sailing Club, Inc., is to promote the sport and recreation of sailing including cruising, racing, and associated activities. I (we) am (are) willing to participate in and assist the club with the functions scheduled to promote these goals. I (we) have read, understand, and agree to abide by all club’s rules as contained in the Club’s Constitution and Bylaws. Those copies are available upon request. I (we) understand that participation in Club sponsored activities does not create any obligation whatsoever on the part of the Club, its officers, committee chairs and/or volunteers for the safety of me, my spouse, children, guests or anyone else, nor does such participation in any way relieve me (us) of the sole and complete responsibility for the safe operation of my (our) vessel and/or the safety of the crew. I (we) agree to hold the Windjammers Sailing Club, its members, and its officers harmless for any accident, incident, or injury involving racing, cruising, parties, dinners, seminars, or any other event, whether on land or water.
